Newfoundland and Labrador

Smokers’ Helpline

Newfoundland and Labrador Smokers’ Helpline

join e-network

Join Client E-Network

  • Do you currently smoke? Are you thinking about quitting? Or have you recently quit? Join our Client E-Network to get occasional updates about quit-smoking programs available in the province. It’s information you can trust. And it will help you stay up-to-date about new approaches and programs to help you quit and stay smokefree! Typically you’ll receive just 1-2 emails per month and you can ‘unsubscribe’ anytime! Join now!

Join Partner E-Network

  • For healthcare providers, employers, community organizations and friends/family of individuals who smoke. If you are in a position to help others quit smoking and you’d like to stay in the loop with what’s happening in the area of tobacco cessation, join our Partner E-Network! Receive updates about initiatives happening provincially, nationally and internationally! Typically you’ll receive 1-2 emails per month and you can ‘unsubscribe’ anytime.
